Blue Cheese & Almond Stuffed California Dates with Chive Oil

Yields: 12 | Preptime: 15 minutes


12 California Grown Deglet Noor Pitted
6 oz cave-aged Blue Cheese
2 T Sliced Almonds
4 T Chives (chopped)
1 clv Garlic
3/4 c extra virgin Olive Oil
1 pn Salt (to taste)
1 pn Pepper (to taste)


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.

Slice dates lengthwise, on one side only; taking care to not cut all the way through. Fill the date cavity with about 1/2 teaspoon blue cheese. Add a sliver of almond atop blue cheese on each date and arrange dates in the baking pan.

Meanwhile, add chives, garlic, oil, salt and pepper in a blender or use an immersion blender to process until chives have been completely eviscerated and the chive oil has a consistent, not chunky texture.

Bake dates until warm and cheese is slighlty melted, about 8 minutes. Serve warm, with chive oil drizzled below and on top.

Source: Andie Hubka

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